Table of contents

  1. Duke
  2. Features

    2.1. Adds todo tasks: todo

    2.2. Adds deadline tasks: deadline

    2.3. Adds event tasks: event

    2.4. Mark task as complete: done

    2.5. Finds task: find

    2.6. Delete task: delete

    2.7. Undo your previous command: undo

    2.8. List all task items: list

    2.9. Exit the program: bye

  3. Command summary

1. Duke

Duke is a task tracker desktop application which allows user to manage their own tasks. It uses Command-Line Interface (CLI), so user can perform operations by typing the commands into the textfield.


2. Features

Command Format

2.1. Adds todo task: todo

Format: todo <task>

Example of usage:
todo create user stories

Expected outcome:
Todo command

2.2. Adds deadline task: deadline

Format: deadline <task> /by <date>

NOTE: <date> must be in the format of dd/MM/yyyy HHmm. Example: 02/12/2019 1800

Example of usage:
deadline create user stories /by 12/09/2019 2359

Expected outcome:
Deadline command

2.3. Adds event task: event

Format: event <task> /at <location>

Example of usage:
event hackathon /at COM1

Expected outcome:
Event command

2.4. Mark task as complete: done

Format: done <index>

NOTE: <index> must be a valid task list item.

Example of usage:
done 5

Expected outcome:
Done command

2.5. Finds task: find

Show task that contains at least one of the user specified words.
Format: find <words to search>

Example of usage:
find stories hackathon

Expected outcome:
Find command

2.6. Delete task: delete

Format: delete <index>

NOTE: <index> must be a valid task list item.

Example of usage:
delete 5

Expected outcome:
Delete command

2.7. Undo your previous command: undo

Format: undo

2.8. List all task items: list

Format: list

2.9. Exit the program: bye

Format: bye

3. Command summary